No. 1 Software
for prediction & optimization
A high-accuracy python-based software platform
for developing artificial neural networks (ANNs).
Implemented both prediction and process parameter optimization through genetic algorithm (GA).
Just simply bring your data and TRY!

How It Works
Why Choose CEPI PrOPT™
One click prediction
Don't have to be a data scientist.
Just load your data as Excel file.
CEPI PrOPT™ will give you
the best ANN model that fits your data.

Various Plots
Automatically gives you
correaltion matrix and regression plots.
Predict new data with your model
and create beautiful 2D/3D plots.
Easiest Optimization
Just select the variables
which you want to optimize.
Give upper and lower bounds.
Run and get optimal process variables.

Powered and licensed by
Dela Quarme Gbadago
Jiyoung Moon
Prof. Sungwon Hwang
Professor in Chemical Engineering department, Inha University
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