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53.  Minji Park, Dela Quarme Gbadago, Hyungjun Jung, Sungwon Hwang. (2025) Achieving optimal energy efficiency, enhanced exergy performance, and comprehensive economic analysis in hydrogen refrigeration systems, Energy

52.  Jingyu Park, Dela Quarme Gbadago, Shinsuke Mori, Sungwon Hwang. (2025) Renewable Ammonia Synthesis Via Experiments and Optimization Using Periodic Operation and Machine Learning Integrated Approaches, Energy Conversion and Management

51. Dela Quarme Gbadago, Sejin Go, Sungwon Hwang. (2025) A Leap Forward in Chemical Process Design: Introducing an Automated Framework for Integrated AI and CFD Simulations, Computers and Chemical Engineering

50. Girim Shin, Dela Quarme Gbadago, Sungwon Hwang. (2024) Computationally cost-efficient analysis of the flow behavior of twin-fluid atomizers using computational fluid dynamics, Chemical Engineering Research and Design

49. Dela Quarme Gbadago, Gyuyeong Hwang, Kihwan Lee, Sungwon Hwang. (2024) Deep Learning for Green Chemistry: An AI-Enabled Pathway for Biodegradability Prediction and Organic Material Discovery, Korean J. Chem. Eng

48. Taehyung Kang, Dela Quarme Gbadago, Sungwon Hwang. (2024) Techno-economic analysis and comparison of supplying hydrogen using offshore wind power sources on the coast of the Korean Peninsula, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy

47. Gihoon Hong, Sunghyun Uhm, Hyungjune Jung, Sungwon Hwang. (2024) Optimization of Heat Exchange Network of SOFC Cogeneration System Based on Agricultural By-product, J. Kor. Inst. Gas.

46. Gihoon Hong, Dongkyu Lee, Hyeongrae Kim, Sangyeon Hwang, Hyoungwoon Song, Sungjun Ahn, Sungwon Hwang. (2024) Optimization of Hydrogen Production Process using 50 Nm3/h Biogas, J. Kor. Inst. Gas.

45. Jaehyung Im, Seokhyeon Cheong, Huyentran Dang, Nakkyoon Kim, Sungwon Hwang, Kibong Lee, Kyeongsu Kim, Hyunjoo Lee, Ung Lee. (2023) Economically viable co-production of methanol and sulfuric acid via direct methane oxidation, Nature

44. Kyungmin LeeByeongseok Kim, Juwon LeeGihan KwonKwangsuk YoonHocheol SongKyunghoon MinSangeun ShimSungwon Hwang, Taejin Kim (2023) NO reduction by CO over NiOx/CeO2 catalyst with fixed Ni surface density: Pretreatment effect on catalyst structure and catalytic activity, Catalysis Science & Technology

43. Nomuunaa Tsogt, Dela Quarme Gbadago, Sungwon Hwang. (2023 ) Exploring the potential of liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC) system for efficient hydrogen storage and Transport: A Techno-Economic and energy analysis perspective, Energy Conversion and Management.

42. Chaeeun Yu, Dela Quarme Gbadago, Seokki Hyeong, Seoungki Lee, Sungwon Hwang, Naechul Shin. (2023) Optimized Substrate Orientations for Highly Uniform Metal Halide Perovskite Film Deposition, ACS Appl. Mater.

41. Juwon Lee, Youngtak Jo, Sungwon Hwang. (2022) Techno-Economic Analysis of CO2/Steam Co-electrolysis Process and Synfuel Production Process Coupled with Steel Manufacturing Process, Korean J. Chem. Eng.

40. Youngtak Jo, Gyuyeong Hwang, Dela Quarme Gbadago, Sungwon Hwang. (2022) Artificial neural network-based model predictive control for optimal operating conditions in proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Journal of Cleaner Production

39. Dela Quarme Gbadago, Sungwon Hwang. (2022) Exploring Advanced Process Equipment Visualization as a Step Toward the Realization of Digital Twins: A CFD-DNN Approach, Korean J. Chem. Eng.

38. Kyeongseok Shin, Sanghwan Son, Jiyoung Moon, Yeonpyeong Jo, Sungwon Hwang, Joseph Sang-Il Kwon. (2022) Dynamic modeling and predictive control of boil-off gas generation during LNG loadingComputers & Chemical Engineering

37. Pahari, S., Moon, J., Akbulut, M., Hwang, S., & Kwon, J. S. I. (2021) Estimation of Microstructural Properties of Wormlike Micelles Via a Multi-Scale Multi-Recommendation Batch Bayesian Optimization, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research

36. Gyuyeong Hwang, Niranjan Sitapure, Jiyoung Moon, Hyeonggeon Lee, Sungwon Hwang, Joseph Sang-Il Kwon. (2021) Model predictive control of Lithium-ion batteries: Development of optimal charging profile for reduced intracycle capacity fade using an enhanced single particle model (SPM) with first-principled chemical/mechanical degradation mechanismsChemical Engineering Journal

35. Jiyoung Moon, Dela Quarme Gbadago, Gyuyeong Hwang, Dongjun Lee, Sungwon Hwang. (2021) Software platform for high-fidelity-data-based artificial neural network modeling and process optimization in chemical engineering, Computers & Chemical Engineering

34. Yeonpyeong Jo, Dongjun Lee, Baasanjargal Sukhbold, Youngtak Jo, Sungwon Hwang. (2021) Dynamic Analysis of a Flare network: Gas Blow-by and Depressuring System, Korean J. Chem. Eng. 

33. Silabrata Pahari, Jiyoung Moon, Mustafa Akbulut, Sungwon Hwang, Joseph Sang-Il Kwon. (2021) Parameterization of microstructural properties of wormlike micelles (WLMs) via a multi-scale multi-recommendation (MSMR) batch Bayesian optimization. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 

32. Dongjun Lee, Dela Quarme Gbadago, Youngtak Jo, Gyuyoung Hwang, Yeonpyeong Jo, Sungwon Hwang. (2021) Integrating hydrogen liquefaction with steam methane reforming and CO2 liquefaction processes using techno-economic perspectives. Energy Conversion and Management

31. Silabrata Pahari, Jiyoung Moon, Mustafa Akbulut, Sungwon Hwang, Joseph Sang-Il Kwon. (2021) Model predictive control for wormlike micelles (WLMs): application to a system of CTAB and NaCl. Chemical Engineering Research and Design

30. Hyeonggeon Lee, Niranjan Sitapure, Sungwon Hwang, Joseph Sang-Il Kwon. (2021) Multiscale Modeling of Dendrite Formation in Lithium-ion Batteries, Computers & Chemical Engineering

29. Gyuyeong Hwang, Taehun Kim, Juyong Shin, Naechul Shin, Sungwon Hwang. (2021) Machine Learnings for CVD Graphene Analysis: From Measurement to Simulation of SEM images, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry

28. Yeonpyeong Jo, Kyeongseok Shin, Sungwon Hwang. (2021) Development of Dynamic Simulation Model of LNG Tank and its Operational Strategy, Energy 

27. Hyeonggeon Lee, Youngtak Jo, Juyong Shin, Sungwon Hwang. (2021) Life Cycle based Optimal Design of Utility System in Offshore Plants, Korean J. Chem. Eng. 

26. Jiyoung Moon, Dela Quarme Gbadago, Minjeong Kim, Sungwon Hwang. (2021) Cooling effects of different molten salts and tube diameters on the performance of chemical reactors: a case study with butadiene synthesis, Applied Thermal Engineering

25. Dela Quarme Gbadago, Jiyoung Moon, Minjeong Kim, Sungwon Hwang. (2020) A Unified Framework for the Mathematical Modelling, Predictive Analysis, and Optimization of Reaction Systems using Computational Fluid Dynamics, Deep Neural Network and Genetic Algorithm: A Case of Butadiene Synthesis, Chemical Engineering Journal

24. Niranjan Sitapure, Hyeonggeon Lee, Francisco Ospina Acevedo, Perla Balbuena, Sungwon Hwang, Joseph Sang-Il Kwon. (2020) A computational approach to characterize formation of a passivation layer in lithium metal anodes, AICHE Journal 

23. Yeonpyeong Jo, Mohammed Saad Faizan Bangi, Sanghwan Son, Sungwon Hwang, Joseph Sangil Kwon. (2020) Dynamic modeling and offset-free predictive control of LNG tank, Fuel

22. Yeonju Shin, Robin Smith, Sungwon Hwang. (2020) Development of Model Predictive Control System using An Artificial Neural Network: A Case Study with A Distillation Column​, Journal of Cleaner Production

21. Jiyoung Moon, Dela Quarme Gbadago, Sungwon Hwang. (2020) 3-D Multi-Tubular Reactor Model Development for the Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Butene to 1,3-Butadiene, ChemEngineering

20. Yeonpyeong Jo, Yongheon Cho, Sungwon Hwang. (2019) Dynamic analysis and optimization of flare network system for topside process of offshore plant, Process Safety and and Environmental Protection

19. Yeonju Shin, Ziehyun Kim, Jihye Yu, Geonjung Kim, Sungwon Hwang. (2019) Development of NOx reduction system utilizing artificial neural network (ANN) and genetic algorithm (GA),  Journal of Cleaner Production

18. Ziehyun Kim, Yeonju Shin, Jihye Yu, Geonjoong Kim, Sungwon Hwang. (2019) Development of NOx removal process for LNG evaporation system: Comparative assessment between response surface methodology (RSM) and artificial neural network (ANN),  Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry

17. D Lim, Y Kim, D Nam, S Hwang, S E Shim, S Baeck. (2018) Influence of the Sb content in Ti/SnO2-Sb electrodes on the electrocatalytic behaviour for the degradation of organic matter. Journal of Cleaner Production

16. Joseph Albert Mendoza and Sungwon Hwang. (2018) Tubular reactor design for the oxidative dehydrogenation of butene using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering

15. Yongheon Cho, Soojin Kwon, and Sungwon Hwang (2017) A new approach to developing a conceptual topside process design for an offshore platform, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering​​​

14. Soojin Kwon, Michael Binns, Sungwon Hwang. (2017) Economic Response Models for Membrane Design. Journal of Membrane Science

13. Jeongeun Son, Huicheon Yang, Geonjoong Kim, Sungwon Hwang, Hyunseok You​ (2017) Technology development for the reduction of NOx in flue gas from a burner-type vaporizer and its application, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering​​​

12. Sungwon Park, Yehwon Lee, Geonjoong Kim, Sungwon Hwang (2016) Production of Butene and Butadiene by Oxidative Dehydrogenation of Butane over Carbon Nanomaterial Catalysts, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering​

11. Kyungwoon Kim, Ji Won Seo, Sungwon Hwang, Yun Ju Lee, Young Sik Moon (2016) Dynamic Modeling & Analysis of Vapor Phase Blowdown of Depressurized Vessel, Korean Chemical Engineering Research​

10. Hongmin Lee, Sangsun Lee, Sungwon Hwang, Dongbok Jin (2016) Modeling and Optimization of High Strength Wastewater Treatment Using the Electro Oxidation Process, Korean Chemical Engineering Research​

9. Hyun-Jung Lee, Ju-Hwan Choi, Arthur Garforth, Sungwon Hwang (2015) Conceptual Design of a Fischer−Tropsch Reactor in a Gas-to-Liquid Process, Industry & Engineering Chemistry Research

8. Kamlesh Ghodasara, Sungwon Hwang, Robin Smith (2015) Catalytic Propane Dehydrogenation: Advanced Strategies for the Analysis and Design of Moving Bed Reactors, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering​

7. Kamlesh Ghodasara,, Robin Smith, Sungwon Hwang (2014) A novel approach to the design and operation scheduling of heterogeneous catalytic reactors, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering​

6. Rameshwar Hiwale, Robin Smith, Sungwon Hwang (2014) A novel methodology for the modeling of CO2 absorption in monoethanolamine (MEA) using discrimination of rival kinetics, Industry & Engineering Chemistry Research​

5. Bin Wang, Nan Zhang, Sungwon Hwang and Jin-kuk Kim (2013) Process integration of solid oxide fuel cells with process utility systems, Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy​

4. Rameshwar Hiwale, Robin Smith, Sungwon Hwang (2012) Model building methodology for multiphase reaction systems – modeling of CO2 absorption in monoethanolamine for laminar jet absorbers and packing beds, Industry & Engineering Chemistry Research​

3. Sungwon Hwang, Robin Smith (2012) Application of simulated annealing (SA) to the synthesis of heterogeneous catalytic reactor, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering​

2. Sungwon Hwang and Ian Moore (2011) Water network synthesis in refinery, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering​

1. Rameshwar Hiwale, Robin Smith, Sungwon Hwang (2011) Model building methodology for multiphase reaction systems, Industry & Engineering Chemistry Research​

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