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Sungwon Hwang
Sungwon Hwang
+82 (0)32 860 7461
+82 (0)32 872 0959
Ph.D. University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), 2004
M.Sc. University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology (UMIST), 2000
B. Sc. Inha University, 1995
Professional Experiences
UOP (A Honeywell Company) UK & USA, 2006 – 2012
AspenTech, UK, 2004 – 2006
GS Construction, 1995 – 1999
Vice-dean of the Global Education Project at Inha University as of 2023.
Chairman of the Process Systems Subcommittee of the Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2023.
President of the Chemical Process Division of the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 2018.
Served as an international director of the Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2016 and 2020.
Director of promotions at the Korean Society of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry since 2019.
Member of the Safety Coordination Committee at the Korea Gas Corporation, 2019 - 2022.
Served as the Vice-dean of academic affairs at the Engineering College of Inha University, 2021 - 2022.
Department head at the graduate school of engineering at Inha University since 2021.
Head of the Smart Digital Engineering department at Inha University since 2019.
Editorial board member of the English journal of the Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering (KJCE) since 2017.
Corporate member of the Institution of Chemical Engineers since 2007.
Chartered Engineer registered with the British Engineering Council in the UK since 2008.